Monday, August 6, 2012


So I went for a walk this morning, first time in about a week and a half.  It was still pretty dark when I left home.  I decided that I would walk for about half an hour and see how far that got me.  Round trip was exactly 1.4 miles.  I started out by crossing the street and walking down the sidewalk.  Across the sidewalk were some wet bunny foot prints.  After a minute or two I rounded a corner and there was the bunny.  Bunny hopped off into the grass and I continued to walk.  After another couple of minutes, I heard a rustling to my left and looked up and no kidding, there was a bald eagle about 6 feet above and a few feet in front of me.  It flew across my path and out over the field to my right.  To that I uttered an audible "wow" even though I was the only one there.  Still marveling over the eagle sighting, I continued to walk down the sidewalk.  I was coming up to an area where to the right was a corn field and to the left across the street was an open field bordered by a wooded area.  Still walking forward I saw something move a little way down the sidewalk.  Then I realized it was a red fox.  It came from the cornfield to my right and crossed the road and cantered off into the open field.  Pretty amazing.  We occasionally see one or the other, but not usually both at the same time and not usually that close up.  Usually if we see an eagle it is circling high above a field or the pond hunting.  If I see a fox it us usually running around in the ditch by the highway.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Linda,
    i just discovered your blog....
    how are you doing, it's been quite a while since you blogged.... me too....been too long since i blogged too... but i'm hoping that will change soon..
    if you'd like to chat, please email me...
    i'll be thinking about you - and hope you're doing fine!!
